Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Dear All,

I'm vey grateful to all of you that were reading my BLOG during the year of 2008.
I'm also very grateful to those that were with me on my fight against the pneumonia .
The next days, I shall spend here in Aracajú, with my Family. There is also lots of paper work to be done...It will be tough to find time to do that , enjoy the Family & deal with the Holidays...
So, don't be surprise if, you don't get my posts for a while.
In other hand, I have big plans for 2009, with the offer of New Itineraries for Great Value.
More than never, as a Travel Agent & Birder, I will have to give clear evidences that the money spent by my guests has to be turned very productive in watching birds.

And last but, not least: Merry Christmas!!!



Monday, December 15, 2008

Argentina - What a Great Trip!!!


I’m in Sao Paulo, in my way back home.

Argentina- What a Great Trip!!!

I really enjoyed it a lot - The birds were great & the people very nice & friendly!!!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hello from Ushuaia/Tierra del Fuego !


I'm in Ushuaia. What a wonderful place to bird!

Lots of Sea Birds & chance to bird in the forest too!

Yesterday, I had two great highlights: Black-browed Albatross & Tufted Tit-Tyrant!

Two more days to bird here & surely, I will have more to tell!



Monday, December 8, 2008


Today, my BLOG has been posted only at:


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm in my way to Tierra del Fuego!


Good News: I'm in my way to Tierra del Fuego!

I leave tomorrow, with three wonderful American Guests/Friends. They travelled with me before in Brazil.

This time we will visit Patagonia.

It shall be a great experience.

I will keep you, all, up dated!



Sunday, November 9, 2008

White-Fringed Fire-eye!

Hello !

I hope you all had a nice weekend.

Mine could not be better: White-fringed Fire-eye!

Super Rare!

Great Views: Male and Female!

May you all have a great day & wonderful week!


Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Araripe Manakin.


Today, I had my best looks EVER for the Araripe Manakin.

I found a good number of them on a new trail!
I could see them in many different angles - So, my guests too!

What a beautiful Bird!

Paulo Boute.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hello from Fortaleza!


I'm in Fortaleza.
This is the capital to the Brazilian State of Ceara.
I'm about to start a new tour , visiting the main Bird Sites of the Brazilian Northeast.
It will be me plus three other Belgium guests with which I guided in Brazil before.
I'm very excited ! We shall see lots of Birds & Endemics such the Araripe Manakin & Lears Macaws !
Enjoy the Weekend !


Paulo Boute.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hello from Rio de Janeiro !!!


Right now, I'm in Rio! More precisely at the Ipanema Beach.

Me and my group will spend the day here, going to Itatiaia, tomorrow.

We had a wonderful time in Mato Grosso - Lots of Birds & both Otters: The La Platta and the Giant one!

From my window, I can see three Kelp Gulls & a group of people drinking & singing "Happy Birthday to you" - at 06:00 am!


Paulo Boute.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"On the road again..."

As the music says: "On the road again..."
My next guests, are arriving, today, in the morning at the Sao Paulo International Airport.
We shall spend the night on a near by hotel & continue our ride tomorrow, when we will take a flight to Mato Grosso, visiting first the Chapada dos Guimarães National Park. Then, the Amazon Forest and finally the Pantanal.
It will be a total of 16 people!
But, this will be a Natural History oriented tour. When, birds will be just part of the tour...
Still, we shall see LOTS of birds, since the Brazilian Birds are not shy, at all!
Paulo Boute.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sign of Life...

I fell very sorry for being so many days without posting at my BLOG…
But, I had all kind of problems with internet & with my Lap Top…
In other hand, I bring very good news: I’m very impressed of how productive have been my recent birding trips!
The number of species seen is being huge & the finding of some rare species, such the Swallow-tailed Cotinga too!
Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Back to Mato Grosso...

Well, I’m back to Mato Grosso.
It was loooong bus ride: 24h!
But, I’m glad to be back to the main office, specially, after some very good rains on the last days…We are now in the Spring – The Rufous-bellied Thrushes are singing ( a lot) again!
But, I’m NOT fully happy – Just got the information about a tragedy : The Grandson – The only one – Of my aunt Emilia, died on a motorbike crash – He was just 19 years old!...
Very, Very Sad…
He lived on a town called ARAPONGAS, which means BELLBIRDS. The most interesting fact about his place is: ALL the streets & Avenues have BIRD NAMES!
As I said, I went there , last weekend. Driving or walking on that towns was like finding lifers:
Hey! This is the Toucan Street – I never had been here before…Then, I was excited to find out the name of the coming street…What? Swallow avenue? Great! I like that!...
Even, extinct birds of Birds of the Ancient Greek, have room there!

Paulo Boute.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Side Walk Picture

Campo Mourao side walks – Picture.


I’ m glad in sharing a picture, I took , today about the side walks of this village.

Many years ago a past mayor passed a law that people should have their side walks with the shape of Martins.
But, there is a problem: They used white stones that get brown , due the fact the soil on this area is very rich in iron…
Unless it is nice and clean – It’s kind of hard to appreciate the beauty of the side walk…
I’m leaving, tomorrow, to visit some relatives in a near by town…Then, I will combine it with my trip, by bus – 24h ride – Back to Mato Grosso.
Tuesday is a the day, when I shall place my next message & hopefully, some pictures too!
Enjoy the Weekend.

Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Plan Change...


Well, I may post the side walk pictures, only tomorrow...

Today, I had a change on my plans...I went to a near by village , called CIANORTE, where I spent my childhood...It took me one hour driver thru. farm country: Lots of corn, which just got harvested.

I saw lots of Eared Dove and some Souther Crested Caracaras.

Best Regards,

Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm in Heaven!


I have very good news: I'm cured from my pneumonia!
Thanks God!
I got a "fresh" x-ray , yesterday.
So, yesterday night, I took a overnight bus ride from Sao Paulo City & came to Campo Mourao.
It's is not far from Iguassu Falls. Here lives my mother ( 86 years old!!!) and sister and her daughter.
Tomorrow, I intend to post some pictures of the side walks of this village - It has silhoute of Martins!!!
In the past, this village was been visited by huge flocks of Gray-breasted & Purple Martins!

Bye for now,

Paulo Boute.

Monday, September 15, 2008



Thanks to everyone that has been wishing me a recovery from my pneumonia.
I'm feeling better. I went to a doctor, Saturday night. He says my lungs are OK. But, I should get a x-ray to be sure...Which I will try to get, today.
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of sending a group of birders to the Atlantic Forest. They went with Giuliano.
I was booked for another tour that ended up being cancelled. Any how, it was great to meet the tour participants. I met them , at the airport Saturday night when they arrived from the Pantanal. I shared a room with Giuliano & had breakfast with the group. They will bird at Itatiaia and Ubatuba. I'm excited to hear them about the nest of the Swallow-tailed Cotinga, that I found last August...
Tonight, I may take a bus ride to visit my mother. She lives near Iguassu Falls. I might spend the week with her, because, after this gap on my agenda I only will be able to see her by the third week of December.

May Everyone have a great day & Wonderful Week !

Again: Thanks!

Paulo Boute.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My Trip to Sao Paulo City.


Tomorrow, I will take a flight to Sao Paulo City.
I have a few things to do there: Including meeting a group of birders on their way to the Atlantic Forest.
They are three Americans guided by Giuliano Bernandon - Member of the Boute Expeditions Guide Team.
They are taking our Fixed Departure for the September tour.
I also shall visit my two brothers that live there and last but, not least: See a GOOD Doctor, that can give me an up date on the status of my Pneumonia! I'm not feeling totally good and I don't like it - I have a tour to guide around the corner...
I may need to ask my readers to be patient in case, I won't be able to place posts for the next days...
But, as soon as I can, I hope to bring good news - Specially , about the Harpy Eagle Nesting site at Serra das Araras, which I scheduled to bird.

Enjoy the Weekend!

Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Scarlet Ibis II

Yesterday, I went for the Scarlet Ibis, with Prof. Marcelo Cardoso. We had a great time watching this magnificent bird - We spent about 20 minutes there...
By the way, we found a young man, watching birds too. He didn't have a pair of binoculars so, he used on of ours.
Prof. Marcelo told me this particular individual has been seen in the Coast of the State of Sergipe for the past five years. Always alone, having a very erratic behaivour.
Any how, anyone birding in Aracajú can have hopes of seeing the Scarlet Ibis. Isn't that great?
Best Regards,

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Scarlet Ibis II

Today, I shall go back to the egret & heron roosting place, trying to have a second look at the Scarlet Ibis.
I may have the Company of my very good friend: Marcelo Cardoso.
In the past, the Scarlet Ibis was a commom bird in Brazil ( about 500 years ago). The Brazilian Indians were even doing dresses with their feathers!!!
Polutions & destruction of their Natural Habitat, made them almost disapear...But, there are some places they still can be found: Marajó Island ( where the Amazon River flows into the Atlantic Ocean) and in Cubatão village , near São Paulo City.
Best Regards,
Paulo Boute.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Scarlet Ibis in Aracaju - Brazil.

Just a few minutes ago, I had my first Scarlet Ibis in Aracajú.
I went to visit a roost for Great & Cattle Egrets, when, I found one Scarlet Ibis, among them.
What a nice surprise!!!
Here is a link for a nice photo, that I just found on the NET:
Best Wishes,
Paulo Boute.
In time: The location of Aracajú, can be seen at:

Friday, September 5, 2008

Fierce Competition among Cattle Egrets.

Today, doing a morning walk with my four year old son, we stoped to watch about 10 caws there were grazzing, mostly of them were followed by cattle eggrets. There was a particular one that has two cattle egretts, a bit away from the other, when it started grazzing in a taller grass, aparently, a bit more bug productive, two more cattle eggrets, joined them...the first one , was OK but, the second one chased away a previous one...which attracted one more cattle eggret...I got impressed with this "Fierce Competition"!
Since the cattle is not that bad...We tend to get the cattle behaviour would be "contagious"...Another thing I noted: There where NEW eggrets joining the flocks...apparently, they are not true to a particular flock...
instead, keeping searching for food watching other flocks/individuals...
I wish everyone a great weekend!
Paulo Boute.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Recommended Repellent.

Today, I would like to mention how impressed I got, with the success of PERMETHRIN.
I went to the Pantanal, recently, with a couple.
They, both, were using PERMETHRIN. I didn't. Instead, I trusted my leather boots to keep chiggers & ticks away from me.
It didn't work!
I ended up catching three ticks...
They got none!
The good thing about PERMETHRIN is : You don't need to use it directly on your skin, only on clothes.
From now on...I will recommend it to my guests.
Very Best Regards,
Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fork-tailed Flycatcher.

Recently, I saw something that I don't remember seeing before or heard about it: Fork-tailed Flycatchers feeding on fruits.
This time of the year, they are migrating South, since the end of the winter is around the corner...
I was in my way to Chapada dos Guimarães National Park, when I saw a flock of about 10 Fork-tailed Flycatchers, feeding on a very small fruit, produced by a native trip Curatella americana.
The birds never perched to get the fruit but, were catching them, flying right next to the branches.
Surely, it was a "private performance!" :-)
In time: Thanks God - The huricane Gustav was not as bad as it was supposed to be...
Paulo Boute.

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Papaya Tree.

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
(At this moment, my heart goes to the ones that may be affected by the “Gustav”).
Today, I want to talk about a corner of my yard, here in Aracajú, where I have a Papaya Tree.
Very similiar to the one shown at:
It is being the “natural feeder” for Palm Tanagers, Great Kiskadees and Tufted-ear Marmoset. They cause a “mess” because they end up dropping the seeds on the ground and some pieces of the fruit, as well.
In other hand, it makes me very happy knowing these lovely creatures are being well fed!
Again: Let pray for the dwellers of Baton Rouge…

Friday, August 29, 2008

First of all: My Fight against the pneumonia is NOT being easy! :-(
I still have some cought...
Any how, today, I'm feeling better & for the very first time, I'm adding a photo at my BLOG, which was a request from one of my readers.
This picture was taken, early this August in Carajás National Forest. It is a young Harpy Eagle. The tree is right by the road - Very Convenient!
Enjoy the Weekend!
Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's my Birthday!!!

Today is my Birthday!!!
I already got a gift from my wife & son.
But, I quoted as a gift the Southern House Wren that was singing at our back yard for about 30 minutes!
Paulo Boute.
Today is my Birthday!!!
I already got a gift from my wife & son.
But, I quoted as a gift the Southern House Wren that was singing at our back yard for about 30 minutes!
Paulo Boute.
Today is my Birthday!!!
I already got a gift from my wife & son.
But, I quoted as a gift the Southern House Wren that was singing at our back yard for about 30 minutes!
Paulo Boute.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Road to the Pantanal : Cuiabá / Poconé


Last Saturday, I made a quick bird ride to the Pantanal. My guest was in need of Greater Rhea & Hyacinth Macaws. Since he had a afternoon flight, we only could spend the morning birding.
We left his hotel near the airport by 7:00 AM.
We drove toward Poconé but, we made a quick stop by the Bento Gomes River to watch a parrot : What a surprise - It was a Yellow-faced Parrot. Never ever seen on this area! Only in Chapada dos Guimarães National Park. Then, it got joined by another parrot: A Orange-winged Parrot. Also not common on the area - Double Surprise. Then, we had a very good views of a Red-bileed Scythbill. Soon after, passing the bridge, we stop to look a Savanna Hawk - Another surprise: A Greater Rhea was right behind it! Well, with no more ” pressure in my shouleders” we made a few more stops for birds: Chotoy Spinetail, Chesnut-bellied Seedeater…We arrived at the Pantanal by 08:30 - In time to have wonderful views of the Hyacinth Macaws!
We returned to his hotel by 12:30 pm, where we celebrated our tour with a very nice meal - A Brazilian “Feijoada” ( Beans soup with Pork).


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Araripe Manakin - Good News!


Araripe Manakins - Very Good News!!!

Sir David Attenborough is supporting , the preservation of the Araripe Manakin.


Isn't that Great?


Paulo Boute.

Friday, August 22, 2008


The pneumonia made a sort of "come back"...which was holding me of my daily basis postings in my BLOG...
Today, I'm feeling better & have great news:
Yesterday, AFTERNOON, I had an impressive good birding in CHAPADA DOS GUIMARÃES...Usually, the afternoons "NEVER" beat the mornings but, having on the SAME afternoon: Ruby-Topaz, Horned Sungeam, Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle & Pheasant Cuckoo made me to reavaliate such "statement"...
That was an afternoon that shall not be forgotten!!!
Best Wishes,
Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Double Potoos & More!!!


I’m at the Piuval Lodge (

Yesterday, I had a birding walk, when I had the chance of seeing Two Potoos, almost side by side!

It NEVER happened before!!!

Then, soon later two Ferruginous Pigmy Owls, also almost side by side - One on the Gray and another on the brown fase!

It NEVER happened before - Either!!!

Best Wishes,

Paulo Boute.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Agami Heron & Xenopsaris

Agami Heron & Xenopsaris!
What a wonderful combination! Me and the couple, I'm guiding, saw these marvellous creatures at the Pantanal, yesterday!!!


Paulo Boute.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Back to Mato Grosso.


Yesterday, I went, again, to the Doctor & he said I may "survive" to a flight ride...
So, I'm taking a flight tonight to Mato Grosso, where for a week, I will guide a couple of Brazilians that live in USA...



Thursday, August 14, 2008

Swallow-tailed Cotinga & Canastra National Park.

Good News: If, there is anyone planning a trip to Itatiaia National Park, near to Rio. There is a couple of Swallow-tailed Cotingas, building a nest near the restaurant. The nest is located on a group of medium sized trees on the left side of it.
Canastra: No visitors are allowed into the NP on Tuesday. It's also recommended to hire a local guide for getting early into the Park. ( It's R$70,00 day/fee about USD43,00).
Enjoy the Weekend!
Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Little Problem..."

I fell very sorry for not being able to post at my blog, recently...
I'm having a pneumonia...It's quite tough...I'm still guiding...for areas that I think are too cold & windy, I'm hiring a local guide...
At the moment, we are at CANASTRA NATIONAL PARK. This morning we saw four Brazilian Mergansers...
I hope , by next week to be better...


Paulo Boute.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Australians Birding in Brazil.


Today, I will start getting my first Australians guests for 2008.

It will be a couple. They wanted to be here,in Sao Paulo, a few days the tour starts.

Our Tour will start next Sunday. We shall Bird in Intervales, Itatiaia , Ubatuba and last but, not least:Canastra National Park.

I will keep a record of our birds, in this BLOG!

Enjoy the Weekend!

Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Carajás is Very Good!


Carajás National Forest is VERY GOOD!!!

We had superb birds such White Bellbird, Purple-breasted and White-tailed Cotinga .

Not mentioning great looks at the young Harpy at its Nest!!!

I recommend this place to everyone!


Paulo Boute.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Carajás - Famous Birds - 1.

In about 24 hours, I will take my flight to Carajás National Forest.
One of its, most famous birds is the BLACK-CHESTED TYRANT.
There is a couple of places where this bird can be found at the Park…Let’s see in how many I will be able to see it…
Pictures of the bird can be seen at:
Paulo Boute.

Carajás - Famous Birds - 1.

In about 24 hours, I will take my flight to Carajás National Forest.
One of its, most famous birds is the BLACK-CHESTED TYRANT.
There is a couple of places where this bird can be found at the Park…Let’s see in how many I will be able to see it…
Pictures of the bird can be seen at:
Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Today, I'm taking a flight to Sao Paulo.
There, on Friday, I shall take another flight to the Carajás National Forest.
It is NOT a "National Park" - It is a National Forest...because, it is also the place for the Largest Iron mine in the world! So, due to this economical activity, it has an specific designation...
I will have two guests from Germany...
They are NOT hard core birders - But, still we shall see LOTS of birds!
Paulo Boute.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sunday Report.

Good Morning!!!
Well, I wanted to go out yesterday - Sunday - Enjoying the very sunny day...But, I got the visit of relatives...having to cancel that...BUT, in other hand I also got the visit of a very good friend:
Professor Marcelo Cardoso - He gave very good news - He is in the process of finishing a Bird List for the State of Sergipe!!! I will be a commented one & shall be published very soon!!!
Best Regards,
Paulo Boute.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunny Sunday!!!

Sunny Sunday!!!


Hello from a Sunny city of Aracajú!

For the second day, in a row - it is being very sunny!
Perfect to bird around - which I shall be doing today.
Tomorrow, I will describe my birding experience…

Enjoy the Weekend!

Paulo Boute.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Rainy Time...

I'm at our branch office in Aracajú, State of Sergipe - Brazil.
The Weather Service is surprised with the amount of rain in the last days & low temperatures = about 18 C.
It is being the rainniest & coolest year ever recorded...
Any how, I'm glad my next Birding Trips in the Brazilian Northeast are all scheduled to start from November on...
Enjoy the weekend!
Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Where is Ubatuba...


Sorry...It's my fault, I should had placed a link for Ubatuba County , on my last post...
The location of it , can be seen at:

It's about three hours drive from the City of Sao Paulo.


Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ubatuba = 502 Species of Birds!!!


I'm in Ubatuba.

This place is FULL of Birds!

I just got informed that 502 species of birds has been recorded for the county of Ubatuba.

"Why I'm not surprised?" :-)...

It will be great to come back here, on my next trip, in a couple of weeks...


Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pavonine Cuckoo # 2.

Hello !
The Pavonine Cuckoo seen at Chapada was photographed!
But, it will take a few days for my guest to check how good they are, since he needs - first - catch up with his Job!
But , I will keep you all posted, about it.
Best Regards,

Monday, July 7, 2008




One of the rarest birds to be seen in Brazil, specially, at the State of Mato Grosso is the PAVONINE CUCKOO.
But, sometimes, you can have great surprises can happen: Last week, me & my guests had a PAVONINE CUCKOO, right in the middle of a back road at the NATIONAL PARK OF CHAPADA DOS GUIMARÃES. It was having a dust bath. It is a bird that likes that & I have heard of other reports about finding the bird on such situation.
Ýou want to call that luck? I would prefer to call: GOD SENT CREATURE!

May you all have a Great Week!


Paulo Boute.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Birding in Chapada dos Guimarães National Park.


There very few places where the weather is no nice for birding , such as the NATIONAL PARK OF CHAPADA DOS GUIMARÃES.
It is a such lovely place, with very nice accommodations & wonderful food – Not mentioning the ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC BIRDS.
Here, in Chapada, where – Actually, I’m birding & writing my BLOG, its possible to have the Brazilian Cerrado ( Savanah) specialties such the White-banded & White-rumped Tanagers and Amazonian Birds, as well such the Fiery-capped & Band-tailed Manakins!

Great Weekend to Everyone!



Saturday, June 28, 2008

Feathers in Brazil.


Today, I would like to share a VERY IMPORTANT information about the Brazilian Rules for Protecting Nature.

It is, TOTALLY FORBIDEN, to collect feathers in Brazil. Doesn't mind if, you found it on the ground...

Since feathers are an important nesting material, used mainly at the bottom of the nest to keep the chicks warm , we are supposed to leave them to the birds to collect it.

In time:


I had a "private performance" yesterday watching a Thrush-Like Wren to bring a beautiful white feather to its nest & to bring it inside...

2 -

As I write these words a White-Wedged Piculet sings outside my window...

Enjoy the Weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Spectacled Owl at the Pantanal !!!

Hello !

Well, after a few days away...I'm deligthed in being able to share a great moment, I had three days ago, when I was co-leading a trip to the Pantanal with Bret Withney ( Field Guides Inc.).

I had my very first Spectacled Owl at the Pantanal!

This was a wonderful thing for everyone since we could watch this bird, properly, at Serra das Araras.
I NEVER heard of someone or read a trip report, talking about this Owl at the Pantanal.

For the record: We were in a very isolated area & stayed on a lodge , unfortunately, very poorly explored by birders:

Enjoy the Weekend!

Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hello from Aracajú!

HeHello from Aracajú!

This week, I will be in ARACAJU, with my Family & catching up some paper work on the branch office.

I will go to the Pantanal, with Bret Whitney , next Monday to the Pantanal.

I'm very excited about it, since we are planning to be the first group to ever watch the Owl Monkey at the Transpantaneira , explore a - totally - New trail at Piuval & Bird at the REFUGIO DO CARACARA LODGE.

I promise to keep you informed about our sights!



Monday, June 9, 2008


Well, we couldn't not find the Harpy.
But, in other hand we got the ORNATE HAWK-EAGLE!!!
Which was Great!!!
The Lodge is about to build a look out for the nesting area & the entire forest around it. Hopefully, it will turn to be easier to find the Harpy...
May you all have a nice day & Great Week!
Paulo Boute.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

"Let's Try Again...

I'm in my way to the Harpy Eagle Nesting Site at the Serra das Araras...
This time", I will be the local guide for Bret Whitney & his guests from FIELD GUIDES.
Let's hope this time...we will get the Harpy Eagle, since I missed there, finding it only in Alta Floresta...
Please, wish us luck - Prayers are welcome too! :-)
Paulo Boute.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Harpy Eagles in Alta Floresta!

Great News!!!
The Harpy Eagles are being seen, quite often at the grounds of the hotel FLORESTA AMAZONICA, at the village of Alta Floresta, at the State of MATO GROSSO!
I spent about a week at the Cristalino Jungle Lodge but, only saw the Harpy in town!
Explanation: The hotel has a forest patch where the Harpy Eagles, raised a chick last year. The Junvenal is still around the nesting area, being seen - even at the grounds of the hotel such the swimming pool area & parking lot...
Paulo Boute.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Cougar Twice!!!

Birding in Chapada dos Guimarães, State of Mato Grosso, is very being VERY GOOD.
Yesterday, we got a "cherry at the top of the cake" : We saw Cougar Twice!!!
Paulo Boute.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Black-and-White Hawk-Eagle.


Great News: Me and a couple of birders from BELGIUM, had a chance to watch & photograph a BLACK-AND-WHITE HAWK-EAGLE at the Pantanal.
This was my second sight at the Pantanal, despite of birding there for 26 years!!!
That is a RARE Bird!!!


Paulo Boute.

Monday, May 19, 2008



I'm back to the Pantanal!

My Lodge , has a very good Wi Fi Zone, which allows me to be in touch with the World & keep my Blog up dated...

We are having a fantastic time here: Sample - On the same day we had the very rare Xenopsaris & Yellow-browed Tyrant!!!

A Complete Field Check List will be shared soon. It is being great to be the only guests here - A true luxury & Big Pity for not have other birders, sharing this wonderful time of the year, which is the beg. of the Dry Season, when everything is still very green & pure air, without dust or smoke.

May Everyone have a great day & wonderful week!

Paulo Boute.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Nacunda Nighthawks.

Hello !
In the past weeks, I had seen Nacunda Nighthawks, in town, flying around utility poles, until late in the night.
They extended their "feeding hours" due the city lights...In the Field you can only see them late in the day & very early in the morning (sometimes).
My most incredible, expererience, with them, happened near the International Airport in Sao Paulo, where they can be seen at the parking lot of the INTERNATIONAL SHOPPING CENTER.
Me and my guests almost had a "brain shock" when we realized that we were watching birds sorrounded by about 21.000.000 people - The population of Greater Sao Paulo.
Paulo Boute.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Dream that come true!

I just had a dream coming true , this week!
I had a Red-shouldered Macaw, perching on a palm tree in my yard.
I planted this palm tree, 10 years ago, with the hope that someday the macaws would find it...
The palm tree is not big enough for having them for roosting there , yet, but, just knowing the macaws are keeping an eye on it , it's very promissing!!!
I planted this palm tree when it was just a foot tall ( if, not less than that...). Today it is about
100 foot tall.
May Everyone have a great weekend!

Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Harpy Eagles Nest - Up Dated Status.

Well, after a good number of days away from Internet connection. I'm back, ready to inform the status of the Harpy Eagle Nest at Serra das Araras at the State of Mato Grosso - Brazil.
Well, the nest is well built, giving great evidence the Harpy Eagles are having serious plans to start a new family.
But, despite of going to the nest tree twice: Morning and afternoon, we could not find any of the parents.
I didn't use the play back either.
Making a short story: "Close but, no cigar..." :-(
I'm returning there , next week, with the hope to bring you some more news...hopefully, better ones!
Paulo Boute.

Sunday, May 4, 2008



I’m having a great birding trip at the Pantanal.
Soon, I may publish a complete bird report. But, in the mean time, I can’t resist telling you all that me and my clients had great looks at a COUGAR!
We were standing on the Transpantaneira Highway by 05:00 pm. When I spotted it, crossing the road, then, I told my clients. Then, a great surprise, the Cat, stood for about 05 seconds on the the other side of the road before getting again inside the vegetation. It was about 100 yards away.
I had great looks on cougars before but, in other parts of Brazil. At the Pantanal, this was my best one, so far…
May you all have a great weekend & Wonderful Week.

Paulo Boute.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Very Cold!

It's being very cold!
How much? When, feel free to check the CNN Weather Channel yourself .
I don't want to sound like a liar... :-)
It's unbeliveable how a Tropical Country such Brazil can be cold...
We hope tomorrow, will be better weather, which will be VERY good for birds, since they will ALL be missing the SUN !

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back to Mato Grosso.

I’m already in Mato Grosso! I arrived , yesterday, at mid-night. In time to see a Nacunda Nighthawk flying around the light of a utility pole. Today, I will meet my clients at mid-night ( Is this a curse?).  Tomorrow morning I will take them to the Pantanal. It’s being great to be back to Mato Grosso. Lots of Red-shouldered Macaws, flying over my home. But, an event shocked me, yesterday, I saw a couple of neighbors being arrested. I will I will NEVER mention their names . They are lawyers and they work for a Lumber Company. They were accused of dealing with illegal lumber from the Amazon Forest. Just thinking that for some days, some birds in the Amazon Forest, will have their tress for a bit longer gave some hope on Justice in Brazil. From now on…I can’t predict when I will be able to post more comments…Since the Internet access in the Pantanal is not reliable…So, kindly, would like to ask my readers to be patient…
Paulo Boute.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Birdwatching Course in Aracajú - Sergipe.

I hope you all had a nice weekend.
I do have very good news: The Birdwatching Course, that I presented with Professor Marcelo Sousa, was absolutely fantastic!!!
We had two classes: One withe 15 students and another with 06 students. They were all ready to learn!
We supported them to stay connect by the INTERNET & have as many field trips they can.
Today, I'm leaving for a two month trip to Mato Grosso, where I will be guiding at the Pantanal, Serra das Araras, São Jose do Rio Claro, Alta Floresta and Chapada dos Guimarães National Park. It will be three different groups.
I will try to keep you all up dated of this big adventure, specially, about the Harpy Eagle that is building their nest...
May you all have a great day & wonderful Week!
Paulo Boute.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Birdwatching Classes.

Today will be a great day!
I will teach at the very first Birdwatching Course at the city of Aracajú - State of Sergipe.
It will be about 10 (ten) students of Biology, on each class. ( It will be 02 classes in the total).
I'm very excited about teaching them their first steps on Birdwatching - Which is a totally UNKNOWN hobby on this part of the country...It be something like, "starting from ground zero".
But, it is very promising - This is a unique part of Brazil - Lots of birds a good number of endemics.
I will keep everyone posted about this course and specially about our field trips & birds we will see!
Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Harpy Eagles!


Today, I would like to share a site, that describes a encounter with the Harpy Eagles, at Serra das Araras in Mato Grosso, specially, because they are nesting again(!!!)...

Good Reading!

Paulo Boute.

Monday, April 21, 2008



For most birders Holidays can be a great opportunity going out for Birdwatching.
But if, you are coming on a Birding Trip to Brazil, I strongly suggest you to watch out for Holidays & avoid them!!!
This week, we are having a National Holiday ( Today) and Wed. will be a state holiday in Rio.
Surely, the Itatiaia National Park will be crowded with visitors. Which can be a problem for those willing to bird there …
Our Set Departures, are planned to avoid such situations but, if you are coming to Brazi on your own or on a private trip, it will be wise to get informed about Holidays.
In time: This morning , I managed to watch my first Blue-winged Parrotlet near my home. I had seen it in other locations & only heard them around my home a couple of times.
It was great, specially, because I had my son, along with me.

May everyone have a great day & wonderful week!

Paulo Boute.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Brazilian Field Guides


For those willing to Bird in Brazil. I would recommend the Field Guides, written by Tomas Sigrist:

and by Deodato Sousa:

The first one, is being offered, as a courtesy for the 2008 Tour Participants of Boute Expeditions.

Enjoy the weekend!

Paulo Boute. ( This Friday be closed for maintenance)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Birding in Brazil - Where to Start???

Brazil is a huge country - It is bigger than the Continental US if, we don't count Alaska...
With LOTS of Birds - Beyond 1.600 species...
So, very often, I get the folowing question: "Where to Start???"
My best suggestion, would be: Mato Grosso combined with Atlantic Forest.
Because, it in two weeks, you may get, as much as, 600 species - giving you a wonderful "sample" of the Brazilian Birds - Including LOTS of endemics.
I have this two birding tours combined at my web site:
If, you have any further question, please, don't hesitate in contactin me. Thanks.

Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Birding the Brazilian Northeast

Soon, I intend to launch at my site the itineraries for the Brazilian Northeast Birding Tours.
I shall have a main tour, lasting seven days plus optional extensions.
Something might surprise the readers will be the distance covered by car during just one week:
Over 1.000 (One Thousand ) miles. The reason is the need of covering different habitats in different Brazilian States. The good side of it, is besides, seeing incredible birds such Lear's Macaws and the
Araripe Manakin, this tour will allow birders to see a LOT of the back country of this part of Brazil.
Paulo Boute.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Bird Trade.

I would wish to have another more pleasant subject to write about, today...But, the illegal bird trade in Brazil is very serious...I hope this article can ilustrate this sad situation & eventually, help in finding a solution...
The illegal bird trade in Brazil is huge. And, it is getting worst and worst. Reason: Since there is deforestation and the birds are disapering the prices for birds are getting higher and higher, so the pressure to capture them...
I strongly suggest to birders, willing to visit Brazil to search (On the Net...)for serious organizations that are working to preserve Nature & its birds & make a donation. Surely, they will fell much better birding in Brazil, knowing that those birds they are watching are getting his contribution for their survival.
May everyone have a great day & wonderful week!
Paulo Boute.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Red-headed Manakin.

Hello !
Last Monday, I went to Murici.
This is the name of a county on the state of Alagoas.
We arrivReed by noon. It was raining cats and dogs!
But, after an hour or so, we had some very good sun light!
Which gave us the opportunity of watching a male RED-HEADED MANAKIN, displaying for a female.
Which was the best display, that I ever had! Reasons: It was perched below us, and, it was standing on a sunny branch! Surely, we had a private performance!
Enjoy the Weekend!
Paulo Boute.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Aracajú is the capital of the State of Sergipe.
Sergipe is the smallest State of Brazil, being located on the Northeast part of the country.
Aracajú is an indian name that means "Macaws on the Cashew Nut Tree". Surely, there are lots of Cashew Nuts Trees around here. We can't say the same of the Macaws...
There are the Red-shouldered Macaws in the area...I would say there are nearly commom.
There is a monument in town, showing Red-and-Green Macaws, together with some "Cashew Apples". But they are not in the area.
I , strongly, believe : Aracajú will be in a near future a great gateway for birders willing to bird in the Brazilian Northeast.
Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


After a few days away on a birding trip, it is great to be back.
Today, I would like to make some comments about Brazilian towns with bird names: The more striking it the town in the State of Paraná, called "ARAPONGAS", which means Bell Birds. On this towns ALL the streets & Avenues have bird names!!! It is a such pleasure to drive thru. it.
We also have another town, called ANHUMAS, at the State of Goiás but, the streets have regular names...In time: Annhumas means: Screamers.
Tomorrow, I will write about ARACAJU, my second home town.
Paulo Boute.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Let's Bird in Brazil!

Hello !

This is my first post at BLOGGER.
I hope to be helpful to birders willing to Bird in Brazil.
This is an absolutely fantastic country - Lots of birds & number one for endemics in South America: About 200!!!

What else can I say?

Let's Bird in Brazil!

Paulo Boute.