Saturday, June 28, 2008

Feathers in Brazil.


Today, I would like to share a VERY IMPORTANT information about the Brazilian Rules for Protecting Nature.

It is, TOTALLY FORBIDEN, to collect feathers in Brazil. Doesn't mind if, you found it on the ground...

Since feathers are an important nesting material, used mainly at the bottom of the nest to keep the chicks warm , we are supposed to leave them to the birds to collect it.

In time:


I had a "private performance" yesterday watching a Thrush-Like Wren to bring a beautiful white feather to its nest & to bring it inside...

2 -

As I write these words a White-Wedged Piculet sings outside my window...

Enjoy the Weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Spectacled Owl at the Pantanal !!!

Hello !

Well, after a few days away...I'm deligthed in being able to share a great moment, I had three days ago, when I was co-leading a trip to the Pantanal with Bret Withney ( Field Guides Inc.).

I had my very first Spectacled Owl at the Pantanal!

This was a wonderful thing for everyone since we could watch this bird, properly, at Serra das Araras.
I NEVER heard of someone or read a trip report, talking about this Owl at the Pantanal.

For the record: We were in a very isolated area & stayed on a lodge , unfortunately, very poorly explored by birders:

Enjoy the Weekend!

Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hello from Aracajú!

HeHello from Aracajú!

This week, I will be in ARACAJU, with my Family & catching up some paper work on the branch office.

I will go to the Pantanal, with Bret Whitney , next Monday to the Pantanal.

I'm very excited about it, since we are planning to be the first group to ever watch the Owl Monkey at the Transpantaneira , explore a - totally - New trail at Piuval & Bird at the REFUGIO DO CARACARA LODGE.

I promise to keep you informed about our sights!



Monday, June 9, 2008


Well, we couldn't not find the Harpy.
But, in other hand we got the ORNATE HAWK-EAGLE!!!
Which was Great!!!
The Lodge is about to build a look out for the nesting area & the entire forest around it. Hopefully, it will turn to be easier to find the Harpy...
May you all have a nice day & Great Week!
Paulo Boute.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

"Let's Try Again...

I'm in my way to the Harpy Eagle Nesting Site at the Serra das Araras...
This time", I will be the local guide for Bret Whitney & his guests from FIELD GUIDES.
Let's hope this time...we will get the Harpy Eagle, since I missed there, finding it only in Alta Floresta...
Please, wish us luck - Prayers are welcome too! :-)
Paulo Boute.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Harpy Eagles in Alta Floresta!

Great News!!!
The Harpy Eagles are being seen, quite often at the grounds of the hotel FLORESTA AMAZONICA, at the village of Alta Floresta, at the State of MATO GROSSO!
I spent about a week at the Cristalino Jungle Lodge but, only saw the Harpy in town!
Explanation: The hotel has a forest patch where the Harpy Eagles, raised a chick last year. The Junvenal is still around the nesting area, being seen - even at the grounds of the hotel such the swimming pool area & parking lot...
Paulo Boute.