Friday, August 29, 2008

First of all: My Fight against the pneumonia is NOT being easy! :-(
I still have some cought...
Any how, today, I'm feeling better & for the very first time, I'm adding a photo at my BLOG, which was a request from one of my readers.
This picture was taken, early this August in Carajás National Forest. It is a young Harpy Eagle. The tree is right by the road - Very Convenient!
Enjoy the Weekend!
Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's my Birthday!!!

Today is my Birthday!!!
I already got a gift from my wife & son.
But, I quoted as a gift the Southern House Wren that was singing at our back yard for about 30 minutes!
Paulo Boute.
Today is my Birthday!!!
I already got a gift from my wife & son.
But, I quoted as a gift the Southern House Wren that was singing at our back yard for about 30 minutes!
Paulo Boute.
Today is my Birthday!!!
I already got a gift from my wife & son.
But, I quoted as a gift the Southern House Wren that was singing at our back yard for about 30 minutes!
Paulo Boute.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Road to the Pantanal : Cuiabá / Poconé


Last Saturday, I made a quick bird ride to the Pantanal. My guest was in need of Greater Rhea & Hyacinth Macaws. Since he had a afternoon flight, we only could spend the morning birding.
We left his hotel near the airport by 7:00 AM.
We drove toward Poconé but, we made a quick stop by the Bento Gomes River to watch a parrot : What a surprise - It was a Yellow-faced Parrot. Never ever seen on this area! Only in Chapada dos Guimarães National Park. Then, it got joined by another parrot: A Orange-winged Parrot. Also not common on the area - Double Surprise. Then, we had a very good views of a Red-bileed Scythbill. Soon after, passing the bridge, we stop to look a Savanna Hawk - Another surprise: A Greater Rhea was right behind it! Well, with no more ” pressure in my shouleders” we made a few more stops for birds: Chotoy Spinetail, Chesnut-bellied Seedeater…We arrived at the Pantanal by 08:30 - In time to have wonderful views of the Hyacinth Macaws!
We returned to his hotel by 12:30 pm, where we celebrated our tour with a very nice meal - A Brazilian “Feijoada” ( Beans soup with Pork).


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Araripe Manakin - Good News!


Araripe Manakins - Very Good News!!!

Sir David Attenborough is supporting , the preservation of the Araripe Manakin.


Isn't that Great?


Paulo Boute.

Friday, August 22, 2008


The pneumonia made a sort of "come back"...which was holding me of my daily basis postings in my BLOG...
Today, I'm feeling better & have great news:
Yesterday, AFTERNOON, I had an impressive good birding in CHAPADA DOS GUIMARÃES...Usually, the afternoons "NEVER" beat the mornings but, having on the SAME afternoon: Ruby-Topaz, Horned Sungeam, Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle & Pheasant Cuckoo made me to reavaliate such "statement"...
That was an afternoon that shall not be forgotten!!!
Best Wishes,
Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Double Potoos & More!!!


I’m at the Piuval Lodge (

Yesterday, I had a birding walk, when I had the chance of seeing Two Potoos, almost side by side!

It NEVER happened before!!!

Then, soon later two Ferruginous Pigmy Owls, also almost side by side - One on the Gray and another on the brown fase!

It NEVER happened before - Either!!!

Best Wishes,

Paulo Boute.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Agami Heron & Xenopsaris

Agami Heron & Xenopsaris!
What a wonderful combination! Me and the couple, I'm guiding, saw these marvellous creatures at the Pantanal, yesterday!!!


Paulo Boute.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Back to Mato Grosso.


Yesterday, I went, again, to the Doctor & he said I may "survive" to a flight ride...
So, I'm taking a flight tonight to Mato Grosso, where for a week, I will guide a couple of Brazilians that live in USA...



Thursday, August 14, 2008

Swallow-tailed Cotinga & Canastra National Park.

Good News: If, there is anyone planning a trip to Itatiaia National Park, near to Rio. There is a couple of Swallow-tailed Cotingas, building a nest near the restaurant. The nest is located on a group of medium sized trees on the left side of it.
Canastra: No visitors are allowed into the NP on Tuesday. It's also recommended to hire a local guide for getting early into the Park. ( It's R$70,00 day/fee about USD43,00).
Enjoy the Weekend!
Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Little Problem..."

I fell very sorry for not being able to post at my blog, recently...
I'm having a pneumonia...It's quite tough...I'm still guiding...for areas that I think are too cold & windy, I'm hiring a local guide...
At the moment, we are at CANASTRA NATIONAL PARK. This morning we saw four Brazilian Mergansers...
I hope , by next week to be better...


Paulo Boute.