Monday, September 15, 2008



Thanks to everyone that has been wishing me a recovery from my pneumonia.
I'm feeling better. I went to a doctor, Saturday night. He says my lungs are OK. But, I should get a x-ray to be sure...Which I will try to get, today.
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of sending a group of birders to the Atlantic Forest. They went with Giuliano.
I was booked for another tour that ended up being cancelled. Any how, it was great to meet the tour participants. I met them , at the airport Saturday night when they arrived from the Pantanal. I shared a room with Giuliano & had breakfast with the group. They will bird at Itatiaia and Ubatuba. I'm excited to hear them about the nest of the Swallow-tailed Cotinga, that I found last August...
Tonight, I may take a bus ride to visit my mother. She lives near Iguassu Falls. I might spend the week with her, because, after this gap on my agenda I only will be able to see her by the third week of December.

May Everyone have a great day & Wonderful Week !

Again: Thanks!

Paulo Boute.

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