Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Hello !

Happy New Year to everyone!!!


Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

House Wren.


Two days ago, I had my first House Wren, at my new home.
For some reason, it haven't come back yet...
Let's hope it became a regular visitor...Eventually, I may place it a nesting box.


Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2009 - My Best Eagle Year - Ever!!!


Well, 2010 is around the corner...But, I will have 2009 in a special place in my memory:

I never had seen so many Eagles in just one year - Neither in so many different places: In Mato Grosso I had seen there in four areas: Cristalino Jungle Lodge, Alta Floresta, Serra das Araras and Chapada dos Guimarães.
In Bahia: I found my first nest of the Black-Chested Buzzard-Eagle!!! I saw the parents and their Junvenal taking off...

For 2010, I have great expectations for Lifers - Specially, at the the Atlantic Forest of Bahia and also in Roraima - Where, I hope to be able to go back...


Paulo Boute.

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Home & Old Neighbors

Hello !

I'm in Aracajú, with the Family & TONS of paper work!!!
We have now, a new home but, THANKS GOD: The same old neighbors - A Happy Family of Great Kiskadees !!!
They raised two youngs - They are alread flying in the near by houses.
Last week, one of the juvenals , stayed for a long time in one of our walls.
Our five year old son, can recognize their call & love them!!!
In fact, they are calling as I write this post.


Paulo Boute.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Harpy EagleS!!!


What an exciting Trip!
Besides, smashing views of the Young Harpy Eagle at Serra das Araras - Including a very nice flight from one tree to another one ( much closer, by the way).

Me and my guests found an adult male at the Chapada dos Guimarães National Park , holding a Collared Anteater / Tamandua!

Chapada dos Guimarães is a place that I had been birding since 30 years ago. Several times I heard reports about Harpy Eagles beeing seen there but, only last week, I got - Finally- My first one!!!

Now, I'm in my way for the Araripe Manakin & Lear's Macaws!


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Agami Heron !

Hello !

Just got back from an absolutely fantastic birding trip to the Pantanal .

I had my best Agami Heron - Ever !

Birding the Pantanal since 1982, I couldn't believe in my eyes: So close - So nice!!!

After about 20 minutes - I even fed it with some small fishes!!!

I had been going to bed in the last five nights with a smiles on my face!...


Paulo Boute.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

One Home & Three Nests.

Hello !

Great News: At my home/office in Mato Grosso , I'm having three nests:

1- Great Kiskadee .

2- Ruddy-ground Dove.

3- Common Tody-Tyrant. Its shape is very peculiar! As it can be seen at:

Very Best Regards,

Paulo Boute.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Back to Mato Grosso !

Hello !

I'm back to Mato Grosso for a birding trip to the Pantanal, Serra das Araras and Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park. Then, I will go to the city of Fortaleza, for a Photo Trip, at the Brazilian Northeast...

My previous trip to the Pantanal was, absolutely fantastic!!!

I had within an hour: Dark-throated Seedeater and Rufuous-rumped Seedeater.

Plus, my first lek - ever - for Buff-bellied Hermit.

On this trip, I will try to confirm a reliable spot for Red-winged Tinamou: According to a local cowboy, they come at the end of the day, to his back yard to be fed with his chickens !!!

Of course: Has to be seen to be believed - and, that is what I going to do!!!

Enjoy the Weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Office in Aracajú !


Great News: Finally, we moved to a new office in Aracajú.

The nice thing about it is the breeze coming from the Ocean.

Here, we need no fan or AC.

There are a few birds around too: Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, Southern Lapwing and a pair of Great Kiskadees!!!

We might celebrate X-mas, with all the Family, here!


Paulo Boute.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Roraima - A Great Birding Destination !

Hello !

Very few of my reader may had heard about the Brazilian State of Roraima...

Please, don't blame yourself if, you are one of them...

Roraima is still a, completly, unknown destination for most of the people - including birders.

This is a Brazilian State located on the North of Brazil, with borders with Venezuela and the British Guiana.

Its capital is the beautiful city of Boa Vista - Free of House Sparrows & Packed with Tropical Mockingbirds!!!

I will do my best in the next months to spread the word about this magnificent place.

To get there, the best option is to fly to Manaus. Then, with just one hour flight you can reach Boa Vista.

I don't have a bird list to offer, yet. But, it may come up soon...

Very Best Regards,

Paulo Boute.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

No House Sparrows!!!


I'm still in Boa Vista, the capital of the Brazilian State of Roraima, teaching birdwatching to the local community.
It is being great - They are very interested & learn quite fast.
But, there is an amazing fact at this town: There is no House Sparrows!!!
I never had been to a Brazilian town , without House Sparrows before...
May be the reason is because , this town is very isolated from any other town...
We are located at the Amazon River Basin, but the vegetation around the city is mostly Savannas.

I wish everyone a great day & wonderful weekend!!!


Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tropical Mockingbirds - Everywhere!!!

Hello !

It's being wonderful to be at the city of Boa Vista !

There are Tropical Mockingbirds - Everywhere !!!

Right now, sunrise time, they are calling a lot!!! I love their song.

The Tropical Mockingbird is a bird that I had seen only once before - At the Coast of Brazil.

But, here at the State of Roraima, they are found also inland - I will teach , during my BWD course, how blessed the local population is with such fact.


Paulo Boute.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Next Stop: Boa Vista.

Right now, I'm in Sao Paulo. But, in a few hours, I will be taking a flight to Boa Vista, which is the Capital of the State of Roraima.There, during the next week, I will be teaching Birdwatching for a group of people - Including Local Tour Guides and Travel Agents.I never had been , so far Norht, above the Equator line, in Brazil.It shall be a Great Experience, that I intend to relate in the next day to you !

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's Breeding Time !

Hello !

I just got back from the Itatiaia National Park.

The Itatiaia Spinetail is breeding - Not responding very well to playback.

So, if you are planning to bird there within the next month...Please: Be patient! Thanks.


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I'm back to Mato Grosso

Hello !

I'm back to Mato Grosso, after a three week trip to the Brazilian Northeast.

It was great: Hooded Berryeater & Cinnamon-vented Cotinga were great highlights, not mentioning the Araripe Manakin and hundreds of Lear's Macaw.

I wish everyone a great weeked!!!


Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

News from the Field !


Just got back from a wonderful trip to the Pantanal and Serra das Araras.

At the Pantanal the highlights were a flock of 40 Hyacinth Macaws, a Jaguar - as good as it gets!,
Tapir and a lifer for the Pantanal: Chesnut-capped Blackbird.

At Serra das Araras, we found the young Harpy Eagle just 20 feet above the ground & above our heads!!! After some full frame pictures taken by my guests , we saw it flying to a near by tree and late to another tree - Beautiful Flights!!!

Tomorrow, I'm leaving for the Northeast for a very extensive Birding Tour.


Paulo Boute.
(New Content)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

300 Lear's Macaws !!!

Hello !

Just got back from a Birding Tour on the Brazilian Northeast: Couldn't be better - We had about 300 Hyacinth Macaws!!!

We saw them flying in flocks, perched on cactus, feeding in Palm trees, grazzing wiht the cattle and even perched on telephone wires!!!


Paulo Boute.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Church Sparrow ?


I'm in Aracajú...Just about to leave for Salvador, from where I will start a 08 day birding tour on the Brazilian NE.
Yesterday ( Sunday) I went to the mass service on a catholic church near by. (I'm a catholic).
During the sermon, I couldn't ignore the House Sparrows calling from inside the church.
The building is a very basic one, without a celling - Just the roof.
The sparrow like to built nests there & like it as a shelter, as well.
This is true for most churches in Brazil - The House Sparrows loves the churches!!!
By the way, in Brazil the Barn Owl is called the Church Owl ( among other names).
So, I wondering why not to call the House Sparrow , the Church Sparrow???

May everyone have a great day & wonderful week!


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It made my Year!!!


Well, in English there is the expression: "It made my day"...In this case, I would prefer the expression: "It made my year!!!"


Four Eagles in less than half an hour: Three Crowned Eagles and one Harpy Eagle!!!


Serra das Araras.


Just four days ago!!!

It is a pity that mostly birders coming to Mato Grosso don't bird there - It is such a great place and the people couldn't be more bird friendly!!!

May everyone have a great weekend!!!


Paulo Boute.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Garden Lifers !


I do have quite a nice garden at my office in Mato Grosso.

Once in a while, I get there - totally - unexpected birds.

The most recent ones are : A Red-crested Finch, that , apparently, is living there & a pair of Toucan Toucans seen on a Cecropia tree.

Today, I'm leaving for the Pantanal. I will also go to Serra das Araras and Chapada National Park.
This time I intend to make a better video & pictures of the Harpy Eagle.


Paulo Boute.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Bush Dog X Gray-breasted Crake.

Hello !

Just got back from a wonderful trip to the Pantanal!

We had the Very Rare: Bush Dog!!!

Everyone got excited - But, I got even more excited in having a lifer: Gray-breasted Crake!

Always heard but, hardly seen...

Enjoy the Weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Two Weeks = Six Harpy Eagles!!!


Wonderful News: Just got two more Harpy Eagles at Serra das Araras !

Which makes a total of Six Harpy Eagles seen in, just, two weeks!!!

It is really incredible the contribution Birdwatching has done to learn about them!

Not many years ago, these were almost Mytical birds that no one knew where to find them!!!

Today, the" hard part " is where to choose to watch them!!!

May you all of you have a lovely Sunday & a Wonderful Week!


Paulo Boute.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mato Grosso - The Paradise for Harpy Eagles!


I'm about to have 06(six) Harpy Eagles in less than two weeks!

I had a pair at the Cristalino Jungle Lodge then, the father & its chick at the Floresta Amazonica Hotel.

In a few days, I will be at Serra das Araras, where there is another active nest...since the chick is very young one of the parents should be around too...

The feeling of being on a Paradise for Harpy Eagle is awesome!

Paulo Boute.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fernando de Noronha.


It's packing time to me!
Tomorrow, I will leave for Fernando de Noronha Island.
I'm having a great expectation!
I consider it, one of the most beautiful places in the World!
Birding is also absolutely fantastic - Birding at the Sea Birds Colony is absolutely fantastic.
The best thing is the birds don't get stressed!
They are used to visitors.
Once, I get to the Island, I will tell you more!


Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

House Wren


There is a House Wren at my yard.
Today, seems to be a very inspiring day for it! It has been singing all day long!!!
I love it!
This is a bird that has been following me all my life...At my childhood at the State of Paraná & many other places I's call is a bit different from the one in North America and Europe.
But, not less melodious.



Monday, May 18, 2009

Next Stop: Fernando de Noronha.


My next trip will be to Fernando de Noronha Island.

It is a true Paradise!

I had been there before & love it.

You can see incredible pictures at:


Paulo Boute.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Nacunda Nigthawks

Hello !

I missed you too!!!

Well, after a couple of weeks...I'm back!

I'm at the Pantanal - Lots of birds, as always but, this time the Nacunda Nighthawks are being awesome - hundreds of them. Never saw anygthing like that before - What a daily show they are presenting to me & my guests from USA!!!


Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Barn Owls.

Hello !

I'm in Aracajú.
Tomorrow, I may go to Sao Paulo to start a trip to the Pantanal and Iguassu Falls.
But, the great event I want to mention was a couple of Barn Owls that I found, yesterday night.
There were fighting it air - right in front of me!!!
When they started flying away, I managed to bring one of them back by doing some pishing...
It came twice - The way it looked at an incredible that I will never forget !


Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hello from Araripe!


I'm back to Crasto - A lovely village, extremely close to the National Forest of Araripe.
This time I came guiding journalists interested on the Araripe Manakin & the National Forest of Araripe.
It rainned but, it wasn't a problem to film it & some of the other Caatinga Endemics such the Caating Antwren, Silvery-Cheeked , Caatinga Barred Antshrike.

I may leave tomorrow but, I'm already missing this wonderful place!!!

Paulo Boute.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Harpy Eagle - As good as it gets!

Hello from Ubatuba!

But, today I want to talk about SERRA DAS ARARAS & its wonderful Harpy Eagle nest:

It is as good as it gets.

The chick is totally visible & constantly with one of the parents at the nest!!!

It can be seen from the ground near the nest and also from the "Observatory Paulo Boute".

May you all have a nice day & wonderful week!


Paulo Boute.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Birdwatching Growing in Brazil !!!


Good News: Birdwatching is growing in Brazil!
Many Brazilians are learning about Birdwatching, which is still poorly known as a hobby in Brazil & not fashionable at all!
Some students are devoting their time to learn about birds & starting working as bird guides and some other people are building facilities for birdwatchers, which is the particular case of :

I wish everyone a Great Day & Wonderful Weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Twitter or not Twitter


I decided to join Twitter. It seems to be a great way to be in touch with lots of people.
It may help me to be up dated with my readers about special bird sights.
Today, I'm in Sao Paulo for a Tourism Convention. Next week, I will start a BIG tour, for two weeks: Mato Grosso and Atlantic Forest, ending in Rio.

Very Best Regards,


Monday, March 23, 2009

Memorable Tours & Guests.

Just got back from two tours in a row!

Long days with early starts & late returns.

But, my guests deserved my best - Very nice people & wonderful travel companions:

Derek & April + Robert & Kurt.

We did about the same itinerary - It was also great to meet the local people in such short period of time - They liked it very much so, do I.

I wish everyone a glorious week!


Paulo Boute.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Welcome come Back Home - To me !!!


Just got back home...
It was a very a very looooong month away from my wife & son!
Any how, me and my guest had a great time birding!
A great Highlight were the Lear's Macaws - Fantastic Views : Flying & perched and also it was very nice to see Mealy Parrots in the Coast of the State of Sao Paulo and later at the Coast of Sergipe!

May all of you have a nice day & wonderful week!



Friday, March 6, 2009

Hello from Ubatuba.

Dear All,

Ubatuba is being Great!!!

Lots of Sun & Birds!

The best , so far, is being the Eye-ringed Tody-Tyrant - Very Rare & Very restricted Range too!

Today, besides, birds we will swin in the ocean...The restaurant is located on an isolated beach & it will be a great way to "kill time" after ordering our meal...But, we will keep an eye on Brown Bobbies!


Paulo Boute.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

White-necked Kite


Just got back from my Northeast Trip - What a wonderful birding time!

We got lots of birds such the Hooded Visobearer and the White-necked Kite, possibly, the most rare bird of prey of the world!

Enjoy the weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Patagônia Photos

Dear All,

Below, you will find three links that will lead you to wonderful pictures taken , recently, in Chile & Argentina. The author is Eberhard Hummel ( Germany).



Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tour Schedule.


Today, I would like to report about my recent tour schedule & the coming one:

I already had one trip to the Pantanal, Serra das Araras ( Saw both Harpies at the nest) and Chapada dos Guimarães National Park.
I also went to Canastra ( saw two Brazilian Mergansers) and also to Intervales and Peruíbe.

Next week ( Wed), I will start two week NE tour. Then, one week at the Atlantic Forest ( Itatiaia & Ubatuba), followed by another week at the NE...Then, I will have a two week break, starting again, with a trip to the Pantanal & taking the same group to the Atlantic Forest on the first two weeks of April...

So, please, be patient with me if, I won't be posting, frequently, in the next months at my blog...Thanks.


Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Boa Nova Village - State of Bahia.


I'm in my way to Boa Nova Village - State of Bahia. I will be in search of the Slender Antbird!
I will be with a couple from Boston.
The most important thing I would like to comment, today, is: The Slender Antbird is changing the mentality of the local population, concerning Bird Preservation!
SAVE BRAZIL is doing a wonderful work , telling the local dwellers how important & threatned this bird is...And, its working - With wonderful side effects: Many people stopped keeping birds in cage & stopped hunting them with weapons & sling shots - Isn't that great???


Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009



My next destination will be INTERVALES.
I will be going there next Friday.
This is a State Park, located about 04 hours drive from Sao Paulo City.
It is the largest track of Atlantic Forest left in Brazil.
The Bird Life, there is incredible!!!
Some of the hardest birds such Antbirds, Antshrikes can be seen there without much trouble.
Something that helps a lot are the local guides that knows their birds.
I, highly, recommend this place for those willing to see lots of Brazilian Endemics!


Paulo Boute.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Canastra was GREAT!!!

Hello !

Just got back from Canastra.

It was great !!!

We got a pair of Brazilian Merganser right on the very first morning!!! Very Close!!!

We also got mostly of our target birds on the upper part of the park such the Cock-tailed Tyrant.

The Giant Anteater were a highlight too!!!

Very Best Regards,


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bacury & Canastra.


I'm in my way to Bacury :

I will be there for two nights: Then, I will take my guests to CANASTRA NATIONAL PARK.

We shall be there until Monday. I may not be able to connect to the Internet. But, I will report my sights in both places, at the first opportunity, next week.


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ornate Hawk-Eagle - Nest Status.


I visited the nest of the Ornate Hawk-Eagle in Chapada dos Guimarães National Park.

There was no bird at the nest & the nest itself was not in very good shape...

So, it is not a reliable nest. But, in other hand the place itself offers a great view of the Forest, specially in the canopy. The best light there is in the afternoon. I, have plans in going back there for a more accurate birding.

Enjoy the Weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ornate Hawk-Eagle !

Today , I Will try to reach a Ornate Hawk-Eagle nest.
It is located at the property of a friend, at the Chapada dos Guimarães. Apparently, is quite deep on the woods. Any how, it will be worthy the try. I heard some other people had been there & managed to take some great photos. My guest is taking pictures. So, let’s hope it will work out for us too.

Enjoy the Weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Harpy Eagles are nesting!

Hello !

Great News!

The Harpy Eagles are nesting again at Serra das Araras.
Yesterday, I had the male near the nest & the female sitting inside the nest!

Best Regards,

Paulo Boute.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hyacinth Macaws & More...


I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Yesterday, we managed to photograph the Hyacinth Macaws. But, my guest wants more pictures - Specially, having them flying...

In other hand, the afternoon produced about 800 pictures - The best ones were a Ringed Kingfisher - Full Frame ! White-rumped Monjita eating a caterpillar, White-bellied Seedeater and Rusty-backed Antwren.

Some of these pictures will be published soon, at my blog & home page.

May everyone have a great day & wonderful week!


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wet'n Wild Pantanal!


Back to the Pantanal !

I arrived by noon - it was quite dry with some dust on the road.

But, in the afternonn rainned a lot! Thanks God a little bit, before that managed to take some of the best pictures I ever saw for the Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch: Perched on barbed-wire - It had its bill opened, and the shape of the tail , totally, visible and in between he pointed wire...Very interesting combination.

Due the rain the Hacinth Macaw, photo session, was postponed for today.

Best Regards from a Wet'n Wild Pantanal!

Paulo Boute.

Next Stop: The Pantanal !

Hello !

My guest will arrive at 11:00 AM.

He is a photographer from UK.

We will go directly to the Pantanal - The priority, today, shall be the Hyacinth Macaws.
I know a very good nest - It is located by the house of a farmer, so they are totally used to the presence of people.

Best Wishes,

Paulo Boute.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Dear All,

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
Brazil might be an important destination in 2009.
The World Economic crisis made the Dollar rate, at least, 30% stronger compared to the last year and TAM - Brazilian Airlines will be part of the Star Alliance. Which means many birders will have a "free flight ticket" , in their hands, very soon!

Best Wishes,

Paulo Boute.