Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Road was too Bad!!!

Hello !

Well, the road was too bad!
We couldn't get to the very end of it.
So, we birded the lower part, which access is OK.
The main problem with the last part of the road is: It is NOT a road but, a cattle track...without any gravel. The mud on it is very sticky, adding layers to the tire making the tire to lose contact with the ground & making the driver to loose control of the vehicle.
And, walking that strecht takes about two hours - Also a very tough walk since you get layers of mud in your sole...
At the lower part we got several views of the Seven-coloured Tanager, which is a bird we dreamed in watching!
We got other good birds, as well, such the white-fringed and white-flanked Antwrens. A bird that made as very happy was the Blue-crowned Motmot.
Today, we are heading off to the State of Sergipe - Home of the most rare Fire-eye of Brazil:
The Fringe-backed Fire-eye!


Paulo Boute.

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