Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Good Reasons to Come to the Pantanal in MAY.


Today, I would like to recommend a Bird Trip to the Pantanal, in May.
This is an incredible time to visit the largest wetland of the World.
Reasons: It is already dry season, that means the risk of rains will be minimum. Besides, you still can get the good side effects of the previous rain season, such a luxuriant green vegetation, blue sky - free of smoke and haze.
Another good point would be the lack of tourists in that time of the year. Which helps to have a very calm atmosphere at the lodges.
Birding is excellent, watching the first Roseatte Spoonbills & America Woodstorks "returning home" and some left from the "rainy season" such the White-faced Ibis & lots of Maguari Storks!
In fact, next May 1st-8th, I will be leading a tour. There is only one couple booked for that, which means you are welcome to join us!
Paulo Boute.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pink-legged Gravateiro - Well seen!

Hello !

Very Good News: My guests saw the Pink-legged Gravateiro - Very Well !!!

It was a pair of adults with a juvenal.

Apparently, the best months to see this incredible bird - would be the months of December and January, when they are nesting, and, since their nests are right by the road, any one can see them quite easily!

Enjoy the Weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pink-legged Gravateiro

Hello !

I'm in Serra Bonita!
This is the home of a very rare & Brazilian endemic bird: The Pink-legged Gravateiro.
We found already several nests, near the lodge but, NO birds... :-(

Tomorrow, we shall explore the lower part of the area...Where we hope to have better luck.

Enjoy the Weekend!


Paulo Boute.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Hello !

I'm still on the road...

We had a great time at the county of Mucugê - State of Bahia.

This place is not far from the village of Lençóis.

I, highly, would recommend - at least - one overnight there. So, besides the very rare Sincorá Antwren, you could also get some of the Cerrado specialties such the Collared Crescentchest
and the Rufous-sided Pygmy-tyrant.

Besides, the places is VERY beautiful!


Paulo Boute.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Road was too Bad!!!

Hello !

Well, the road was too bad!
We couldn't get to the very end of it.
So, we birded the lower part, which access is OK.
The main problem with the last part of the road is: It is NOT a road but, a cattle track...without any gravel. The mud on it is very sticky, adding layers to the tire making the tire to lose contact with the ground & making the driver to loose control of the vehicle.
And, walking that strecht takes about two hours - Also a very tough walk since you get layers of mud in your sole...
At the lower part we got several views of the Seven-coloured Tanager, which is a bird we dreamed in watching!
We got other good birds, as well, such the white-fringed and white-flanked Antwrens. A bird that made as very happy was the Blue-crowned Motmot.
Today, we are heading off to the State of Sergipe - Home of the most rare Fire-eye of Brazil:
The Fringe-backed Fire-eye!


Paulo Boute.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Road Conditions - Pernambuco

Hello !

Just arrived from Palmares - Pernambuco.

We managed to visit the Fazenda Linda, having GREAT looks at the Forbe's Blackbirds!

But, the road was good only because we had two days without rain.

We are now, at Murici, tomorrow we will try the Worst Dirty Roads in Brazil.

But, the worst the roads the better the birds - To be confirmed tomorrow...


Paulo Boute.